Dimanche 22 Novembre 2015 à 17h

Salon d’écoute – Prix Europa 2015

Concours, Séance d'écoute
C.Culturel Jacques Franck
94, chaussée de Waterloo - 1060 Bruxelles

Félicitation à Medhi Ahoudig qui a remporté le Prix du meilleur documentaire pour "Poudreuse dans la Meuse" (en écoute sur arteradio.com); également à Aurélia Balboni pour sa 2e place avec son documentaire "Les mots de ma mère" à découvrir en public et en présence de la réalisatrice au centre culturel Jacques Franck (Saint-Gilles, Bruxelles) le dimanche 22 Novembre à 17h et bientôt en écoute sur acsr.be!

Citation of the Prix Europa's Jury:

« The most successful radio documentaries invite the listener into a complete world at a level beyond our everyday experience, to become intimate with people, their relationships, their stories, their thoughts and feelings. This documentary achieves that with an apparent effortlessness from the very first moment. We are welcomed alongside the protagonists – not as detached observers or prying voyeurs, but as witnesses of a family’s private tragedy. Our response is to share their moments of humour, of frustration, of pain. Our empathy is inevitably secured through the combination of a continuous present-tense narrative, with events unfolding within a delicate but assured sound design, and the author’s finely weighed words, judging image and idea, emotion and thought with a maturity and refinement that’s hard to comprehend in a first-time producer making a story about her own mother’s decline in health. Truly remarkable. »
